4th Annual Conference on Sports Medicine and Rheumatology Singapore City, Singapore


4th Annual Conference on Sports Medicine and Rheumatology will be held on April 20-21, 2020 in Singapore city, Singapore with the theme “Exploring the Advancements in Sports Medicine and Rheumatology”. Sports Medicine 2020 aims to gather eminent scientist, doctors, research scholars, physiologist, sports therapist and experts to express and discuss their views on recent technologies in sports medicine through oral talks, poster presentation and exhibition.

Table of Contents

Sports Medicine 2020 focuses on addressing the constant effort being made by scientist and scholars to improve the existing and inventing novel technologies for future. It is going to be the largest platform where you can exchange your ideas and learn novel concepts related to your field from the international speakers as well as the experts participating in this conference.


•  Sports Medicine and Science
•  Rheumatology
•  Sports Education and Physical Fitness
•  Sports Injuries, Treatment and Management
•  Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Surgeries
•  Exercise Physiology and Metabolism
•  Sports Nutrition and Supplements
•  Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
•  Acupressure and Acupuncture for Sports
•  Natural Medicine for Sports
•  Doping and Anti-Doping Studies


•  All the Stake Holders (both Academia & Industry) of the Sector
•  Researchers & Innovators
•  Experts Looking for Collaborative Work
•  Product Developers
•  Solution Providers
•  & Sales ; Marketing Professionals
•  Associations, Societies, & Professional Bodies
•  Funding Agencies & Fund Raisers
•  Management Bodies
•  Decision Makers
For more Information and Registration:

See also  4th International Conference on Rhinology and Otology Oct 18-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE


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