MCQs on Fascial Space Infections – Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

In this Post you will be able to take quiz containing important MCQs of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and topic covered in this Quiz will be Fascial Space Infections in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Correct Answers are Marked in Bold and Blue colour.


Fascial Space Infections Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The greatest barrier to infection is:
    A. Conncetive tissue
    B. Epithelium
    C. Muscle
    D. Fascia
  2. Odontogenic infections are mostly caused by:
    A. MIXED bacteria
    B. Anaerobic bacteria
    C. Aerobic bacteria
    D. Streptococci
  3. Among the following, which results in sudden swelling in the area of a dental:
    A. Drug incompatibility
    B. Paravascular injection
    C. Infection
    D. Vascular penetration
  4. After incision and drainage of an abscess, the infectious process has failed to egress inspite of the patient being on high doses of an antibiotic, it would be wise to:
    A. Repeat culture and sensitivity tests
    B. Insert a large drain
    C. Augmenting antibiotic action by administration of parenteral proteolytic enzymes
    D. Debride and irrigate the area with a fibrinolylic agent
  5. Incision & Drainage (I & D) in an area of acute infection should be performed when:
    A. Induration has occurred
    B. localization has occurred
    C. Acute pain is present
    D. There is fever which is above 102°F
  6. A 9-year-old child with carious maxillary lateral incisor, got small swelling over the respected area. In 48 hours, the swelling enlarged and reached to the lower border of eye, very sensitive, hot and, painful to the touch stimuli. The lymph node is palpable, fever present and the swelling rebounds on pressure. The recommended treatment is:
    A. Antibiotic and hot fomentat
    B. Incision and drainage
    C. Injection of sclerosing unit
    D. Application of pressure bandage
  7. Pericoronitis is seen in relation to:
    A. Impacted third molars only
    B. Around incompletely erupted crown
    C. Completely erupted crowns only
    D. None of the above
  8. Antibiotic medication for pericoronitis should be advised
    A. If extraction is delayed (or) postponed
    B. Before surgery
    C. Routinely to treat pericoronitis
    D. If trismus and fever present
  9. Which of the following is not a primary mandibular space?
    A. Buccal
    B. Sublingual
    C. Submandibular
    D. Pterygomandibular
  10. Ludwig’s angina involves…………. spaces
    A. submandibular
    B. submental
    C. sublingual
    D. All
  11. Ludwigs angina is usually caused by
    A. Streptococci and various mixed anerobes
    B. Anaerobic infection by prevotella and fusobacterium
    C. Paramyxo virus
    D. Candida species
  12. Which of the following is not associated with the posterior aspect of lateral pharyngeal space?
    A. Vagus nerve
    B. Lymph node
    C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
    D. Carotid sheath
  13. Which of the following is a secondary site for spread of odontogenic infection involving pterygo mandibuiar space?
    A. Infra temporal space
    B. Canine space
    C. Buccal space
    D. Sublingual space
  14. In pterygomandibuiar space the inferior alveolar nerve passes
    A. medial to stylomandibular ligament
    B. anterior to the deep tendon of the temporal muscle
    C. lateral to the sphenomandibular ligament
    D. superior to lateral pterygoid muscle
  15. The infection from a lower third molar pericoronal area spreads mostly to
    A. Submandibular space
    B. Submental space
    C. Pterygomandibular space
    D. Buccal space
  16. The distinguishing feature of masticatory space infection is
    A. Pain
    B. Dysphagia
    C. Trismus
    D. Swelling
  17. Retropharyngeal space infection is mainly due to spread of
    A. Cervical tuberculosis
    B. Meningo encephalitis
    C. Mumps
    D. Odontogenic infections
  18. The following space infection may cause severe respiratory difficulty and require tracheostomy:
    A. Pterygopalatine space
    B. Canine space
    C. Temporal space
    D. Parapharyngeal space
  19. The facial space that is divided by the styloid process into anterior and posterior compartments is
    A. Pterygomandibular
    B. Lateral pharyngeal
    C. Retropharyngeal
    D. Infratemporal
  20. A mandibular dental infection from the mandibular first molar which exists the buccal cortical plate above the muscle attachment will cause abscess of
    A. Buccal space
    B. Masseter space
    C. Vestibular sulcus
    D. Masticatory space
  21. Subperiosteal abscess, penetrating deep is seen after extraction of
    A. Maxillary 3rd molar
    B. Mandibular 3rd molar
    C. Maxillary 1st molar
    D. Mandibular 1st molar
  22. Palatal abscess most commonly results from infection of
    A. Maxillary centrals
    B. Maxillary laterals
    C. Maxillary canine
    D. Maxillary premolars
  23. Infection from the dangerous area of the face spreads to the cavernous sinus via
    A. Neural sheath
    B. Emissary veins
    C. Orbital fissure
    D. Ethmoidal air sinuses
  24. The incision for drainage in Ludwig’s angina extends
    A. up to the neck
    B. to the angle of the mandible
    C. floor of mouth
    D. All the above
  25. Osteomyelitis
    A. Never occurs in infants
    B. In acute cases fracture mandible is very common
    C. Of mandible, can show symptoms of lip Paresthesia
    D. Produces no lymphadenopathy
  26. Involucrum is:
    A. Dead bone
    B. New live bone
    C. Previous live bone
    D. Sclerotic bone
  27. Osteomyelitis of the jaw can be cured by:
    A. Resection
    B. Physiotherapy
    C. Sequestrectomy with antibiotic
    D. Drainage treatment
  28. To drain pus from an abscess, the surgeon should
    A. Cut an eclipse from the abscess surface to allow for a drain
    B. Aspirate the contents
    C. Penetrate into abscess cavity and probe with an artery to allow for flow of pus
    D. Cut only the mucosa and skin
  29. The technique of doing the incison and drainage of an abscess is known as
    A. Andrew’s method
    B. Hilton’s method
    C. Nilaton’s method
    D. Killey’s method
  30. Hilton’s method deals with
    A. Decompression of a cyst
    B. Drainage of an abscess
    C. Biopsy removal
    D. Preanesthetic check-up
  31. In a 19-year-old patient with a swelling over the left angle of the mandible, temperature of 38°c and negative history of trauma, one should suspect:
    A. Spontaneous fracture of the mandible
    B. Pericoronal infection
    C. Mumps
    D. Sjogren’s syndrome
  32. If one treats an abscess with antibiotics without I & D it may cause:
    A. Non-suppurative inflammatory reaction
    B. Formation of antibioma
    C. Healing with scar formation
    D. None of the above
  33. Buccal space is:
    A. Primary maxillary space
    B. Primary mandibular space
    C. Both A and B
    D. Secondary fascial space
  34. The following are the characteristic features of Ludwig’s angina
    A. Raised tongue
    B. Bilateral submandibular swellings
    C. Dysphagia
    D. All of the above
  35. Which of the following is not true of Ludwig’s angina?
    A. Involves bilateral submandibular, sublingual, submental space.
    B. Characterized by cellulitis, brawny oedema and lymphadenopathy.
    C. Difficulity in swallowing and breathing
    D. Characterized by deviation to unaffected side
  36. A patient complaining of trismus and difficulty in swallowing, extraoral clinically no swelling with an anterior bulging of half the soft palate and the anterior tonsillar pillar with deviation of uvula to the unaffected side is suffering from:
    A. Sub massetrric space infection
    B. Parapharyngeal space infection
    C. Pterygomandibular space infection
    D. Peritonsillar infection
  37. The roof of pterygo–mandibular space is formed by:
    A. Temporalis muscle
    B. Medial pterygoid muscle
    C. Cranial base
    D. Lateral pterygoid
  38. Which of the following is not present in pterygomandibular space?
    A. Auriculo temporal nerve
    B. Lingual nerve
    C. Mandibular nerve
    D. Mylohyoid nerve
  39. Masticator space (Mainly pterygomandibular) communicates posteriorly with the following spaces:
    A. Masseteric and sub-lingual space
    B. Parotid and lateral pharyngeal space
    C. Sub-mandibular and sub-lingual space
    D. Lateral pharyngeal and pterygo manibular space
  40. In pericoronal abscess related to distoangular impacted lower third molars the infection may spread to:
    A. Submasseteric space
    B. Sublingual space
    C. Submental space
    D. Buccal space
  41. The most dangerous type of spread of infection from apical abscess is to:
    A. Infra temporal fossa
    B. Pterygoid
    C. Parapharyngeal space
    D. Submandibular space
  42. Lateral pharyngeal space is not connected to
    A. Buccal space
    B. Sublingual space
    C. Submandibular space
    D. Retropharyngeal space
  43. Trismus associated with infection of lateral pharyngeal space is related to irritation of the
    A. Buccinators
    B. Masseter
    C. Lateral pteryrgoid
    D. Medial pterygoid
  44. A periapical abscess of a mandibular second molar space spreads most commonly to the:
    A. Submandiluar space
    B. Temporal space
    C. Sublingual space
    D. Infra temporal space
  45. Infection from maxillary first molar drains into:
    A. Submandibular space
    B. Infratemporal space
    C. Buccal space
    D. Infraorbital space
  46. After extraction of upper central incisor, patient develops ophthalmoplegia, meningitis and lateral rectus paralysis. The diagnosis is
    A. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
    B. Not related
    C. Cellulitis
    D. Ludwig’s angina
  47. Abducent nerve paralysis is the earliest finding in the case of
    A. Lefort III fracture
    B. Nasoorbito ethmoid fracture
    C. Zygomatic fracture
    D. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
  48. Cavernous sinus thrombosis following infection of maxillary and anterior teeth most often results from spread of infected emboli along the:
    A. Pterygoid plexus
    B. Ophthalmic vein
    C. Facial artery
    D. Angular artery
  49. The severe complication of the canine space infection is
    A. Erosion of internal carotid artery
    B. Erosion of external carotid artery
    C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
    D. Respiratory paralysis
  50. Death in Ludwig’s angina occurs due to
    A. Sepsis
    B. Respiratory obstruction
    C. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
    D. Carotid blow-out
  51. Which of the following features is not associated with acute osteomyelitis of mandible
    A. Severe pain
    B. Purulent exudate
    C. Paresthesia of lower lip
    D. Radiographic evidence of bone destruction
  52. Treatment of Garre’s osteomyelitis is
    A. Incision and drainage
    B. Sequestrectomy
    C. Saucerization.
    D. Surgical recontouring
  53. Hyperbaric oxygen is indicated for
    A. obstructive lung diseases
    B. osteoradionecrosis
    C. cardiac failure
    D. renal diseases
  54. Osteomyelitis of the TMJ can be treated by
    A. Condylectomy
    B. Irradiation
    C. Incision and drainage, if needed condylectomy
    D. None of the above
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