Textbook of Public Health and Community Medicine AFMC PDF Download (Direct Link)

Textbook of Public Health and Community Medicine AFMC PDF Download       (Direct Link)
The last two decades of the 20th century saw a renewal of the world population’s interest in public health, in disease prevention, communicable and chronic disease control, health protection and health promotion. Not that public health is anew concept; great public health movements had already started in mid-nineteenth century by Edwin Chadwick in UK (report on an inquiry into the sanitary conditions of the laboring population in great Britain, 1842) and around the same time in USA in 1850 by Lemuel Shattuck (Report of the sanitary commission of Massachusetts) (1,2). These two reports initiated that brilliant movement – now known as public health, of which preventive medicine is an essential component and which has been responsible for saving billions of humanizes and reducing human suffering during the last 100 years .The recent increasing interest in public health shown by nearly all governments, whether from developed or developing countries has been, therefore, due to the realization of the fact that continued investment in clinical care brings diminishing returns, while the gains can be maximized by resorting to methods of health promotion and disease prevention among populations at large. The handicap that public health and preventive medicine always face is that its predominant focus on prevention makes it more abstract than curative medicine and its achievements are therefore more difficult to recognize. The doctor who curesa patient has achieved a real, recognizable benefit and the patient, as well as her near ones and even the community members, are all grateful. On the other hand, public health cannot point to the people who have been spared of illness by it’s efforts. As the famous quote goes “—- If we had but the gift of second sight to transmute abstract figures into flesh and blood, so that as we walk along the street, we could say, “that man would have been dead of typhoid fever”, “that woman would have succumbed to an aemia of pregnancy”, “that rosy infant would have been in its coffin because of diarrhoea and dehydration”, -then only would we have a faint conception of the silent victories of public health—–“. In fact, it is this “silence” that accounts, in large part, for the lack of attention paid to public health by those who are in a position to mobilize community opinion or take public decisions.

In developing countries not even one percent of the total national budget is spent on public health; the situation, even in the developed countries is no better. For example, even in USA, just about1% of the nation’s total health spending’s go towards public health. In 1992, when the average cost of medical treatment was $3,007 for each American, the amount spent on public health was only $ 34 per person (3) !Despite the above-mentioned difficulties that public health including preventive medicine, as a concept and as a science, is faced with, it has undoubtedly been a major force in furthering the cause of human health and development. Indeed, during the 20th century, many times more lives have been saved and diseases prevented by simple public health measures as safe water supply, sanitary excreta disposal, vaccination and insect- vector-control measures, than would have been saved by all the dazzling advancements of curatives and diagnostics put together! For instance, as per a report, the life expectancy in USA increased from 45 years in beginning of 20th century to over 75 years in the next 100 years and only 5 out of these30 years increase can be attributed to the work of curative medical care system, while the large majority of this gain has come from improvements in public health, broadly defined to include better housing, nutrition, sanitation.

Maxey-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine 15th Edition PDF Download

Textbook of Public Health and Community Medicine AFMC PDF Download

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