Attempt to choose for FCPS Part 1

Which attempt to choose for taking exam of FCPS Part 1? The questions which many candidates want to be answered in a proper way.

We will try to cover this answer here


It is you who have to decide whether you’re going to apply for Nearby Exam or the exam with few more months?

If you think that you can manage your study & your prep is satisfactory then nearby attempt is NOT bad.

For Nearby Attempt:

DON’T EXPERIMENT NEW THINGS (New Book i.e if you have studied BRS for Patho then stick to it. Don’t start studying Goljan)

People who will take exam with more months can try one or two new books (as they have enough time)

Important Tips:

FIRST OF ALL cover-up your weak subject(s) or topics in particular subject(s).
Now you may ask how can I know that this subject is weak? The answer is “You know the subject in which you had difficulty while solving MCQs in your last exam” and 2nd If some subject seems boring & you hate it the most then this yours weak subject. It is our basic human nature to avoid hardship. We always choose the task which we consider as an EASY.

ONCE you deal with it (deficient subject) then start others subjects. People taking nearby exam have to give just superficial read & people who are going to take exam with few more months must give one GOOD read.


Try to focus on CPSP’s favorite topics & highest yield point (in any particular topic). While studying any topic JUST EXTRACT Three things. The MOST common, The LEAST common & Unique thing. For example if you’re studying organisms causing Osteomyelitis then Just memorize TWO. The most common Staph and Sallmonella in Sick cell disease pts.

See also  Questions Distribution for FCPS Part 1

MCQs: You have to solve MCQs books (Asim, Chandkian’s & Rabia Ali – Medicine candidates should also solve Ganong’s MCQs )
While studying course books, solve Rabia Ali along with it (as it is complied chapter wise)


If you can manage your time then solve other specialties papers too (medicine people – surgery & gynae etc papers and vice versa)

SEEK HELP: We all need motivation as well as help. So whenever you feel low or need some help, ASK. Group is full of helping people.

LAST but NOT the LEAST: Ask people for prayers as success in part 1 is = Hard work + Good Luck + Prayer.


Best of Luck.


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