Best Books for MRCP PACES (Download Free with Direct Links)

Best Books for MRCP PACES (Download Free with Direct Links)

Today we will share you the Best Books which you will need for MRCP PACES. You will be able to check the list of these books and the Direct Links for downloading.

1: Macleods Clinical OSCEs 1 Edition PDF

This new book for medical students contains over 60 of the most commonly encountered OSCE stations in medicine and surgery. The OSCEs are arranged according to type of skill; for example history-taking, ethics and communication, physical examination. This is an accessible book for students under pressure who are revising for a clinical OSCE. It provides simple advice, tips about preparation, and will be easily understood. It provides sample OSCE station questions and simulated patient scripts (with answers) for practice at home.

Macleods Clinical OSCEs 1 Edition

File Size: 14 MB

2: Macleod’s Clinical Examination: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access 13 edition

This classic textbook sets out clearly and concisely how to evaluate symptoms and elicit relevant physical signs. It describes the practical skills which every clinician must acquire and develop in order to evolve diagnostic procedures and management strategies and plans. ‘Highly Commended’ in the 2006 and 2010 BMA Medical Book Competitions, this Thirteenth Edition contains over 500 clinical photographs and diagrams to illustrate the text, with new topics added to make the book even more comprehensive.

This Thirteenth Edition has four sections:

History taking and general examination.

    • System examination covering symptoms and signs.
    • Examination in special situations including babies & children and the critically ill.
  • Assessing clinical examination techniques

Included on the Student Consult site are the specially-recorded videos demonstrating many of the clinical examination routines described in the main text.

  • The book starts with a general overview section on history taking and the general examination that provides the framework on which to hang the detail.
  • The systematic examination section documents clearly the relevant history, examination and special investigations as well as giving advice on their significance.
  • The third section covers examination in specific situations and emphasises an integrated and structured approach to these patients.
  • A final section spells out how to demonstrate the techniques learned in the book in an OSCE.
  • Macleod’s is closely linked to its sister publication, Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine, which complements the information in this text.
  • Available with full online access on Student Consult and ancillary videos demonstrating key clinical examination routines following the format laid out in the book.
    • There are two new chapters on examination in specific situations:
      • The frail elderly
      • The febrile adult
    • A new section explicitly spells out how to demonstrate the techniques learned in the book in an OSCE and other formative and summative examinations.
    • Over 50 new text boxes highlight the evidence-base for the examination techniques discussed.
    • An Advisory Board of students, junior doctors, and representatives from the nursing, ambulance, Primary Care and academic communities from six countries has made detailed comments and critically appraised the entire book.
    • The text has been substantially rewritten with more on medically unexplained symptoms in the History Taking chapter and extended coverage of diabetes mellitus in the Endocrine System chapter.
    • Integrated with the online text are clinical examination videos of trained professionals performing many of the examination routines described in the book with a new accompanying commentary by the Editor, Professor Colin Robertson
    • Two new videos show how the Glasgow Coma Scale should be performed in clinical situations, demonstrating the correct techniques and also common pitfalls in using the GCS.
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Macleod's Clinical Examination With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access 13 edition

File Size: 113 MB

3: Clinical Examination Essentials: An Introduction to Clinical Skills (and how to pass your clinical exams), 4th Edition

Clinical Examination Essentials 4e provides an introduction to the essential skills required to successfully pass your clinical exams.This text equips medical students with the confidence to assess patients by acquiring a detailed patient history and conducting a thorough physical examination.

The chapters are systematic and provide a thorough overview following by some examples of how to use learned skills in practice- both in the healthcare setting and in examinations.

If you are looking to further develop your history taking and examination technique, Clinical Examination: A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis provides greater detail (and more jokes) for senior students and graduates.

  • Hint Boxes present handy information which assists students and junior doctors in correctly diagnosing patients, e.g. A cough of recent origin, particularly if associated with fever and other symptoms of respiratory tract infection, may be due to acute bronchitis or pneumonia
  • Question Boxes provide a checklist of questions which students as examiners should pose to patients to enable them to correctly identify the presenting symptoms required for an accurate diagnosis, e.g. Are you breathless at rest? On lying down? (Orthopnoea)
  • The EOSCE hints panel at the end of each chapter provides practice OSCE-style scenarios and answers to test all skills required for the OSCEs
  • A combination of clinical photographs and anatomical line drawings is a distinct improvement in this new edition. The clinical photographs represent real-life clinical signs, which students have to recognize when examining a patient.
  • The interactive features available in the Student Consult eBook will enable students and trainees to gain a deeper learning experience.
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Clinical Examination Essentials: An Introduction to Clinical Skills (and how to pass your clinical exams) 4th Edition

File Size: 9 MB

4: Clinical Examination: A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis 7th Edition

A bestselling title for over 25 years, the updated seventh edition of Talley and O’Connor’s Clinical Examination is an essential read for all student clinicians. Fully updated with the latest clinical data, including specially commissioned research, Clinical Examination addresses the core principles and clinical skills that underpin diagnosis for safe, effective medical practice. Clinical Examination: A systematic guide to physical diagnosis, 7th edition breaks down each body system into a logical framework focusing on the history, clinical examination and correlation between physical signs and disease for each system. Helping students to navigate from first impressions through to the end of consultation, the text provides a patient-centred, evidence-based approach, making it the definitive resource for anyone embarking upon a medical career.

Building on the strengths of previous editions, Clinical Examination 7th edition, includes StudentConsult with access to:

  • Full eBook
  • 4 additional chapters: – The Paediatric History and Examination – The Neonatal History and Examination – The Gynaecological History and Examination – The Obstetric History and Examination
  • OSCE-based scenario videos to assist with examination preparation
  • ECG case studies
  • Imaging library (X-rays, MRIs and CT scans)
  • 390 MCQs

The book is written for the clinical skills subject of the medical curriculum. Medical schools teach this at varying stages, some introducing the subject in the beginning years (graduate medical schools years 1 & 2) and others at year 3 (traditional/hybrid curricula, usually 5 or 6 years). Specialty Colleges and RACP teach a clinical skills subject in the early part of basic training which takes place after PGY1 & 2.

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Clinical Examination A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis 7th Edition

File Size: 210 MB

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