Books that You will Need for PLAB Exam

Today we will share here the post about Books that you will need for PLAB Exam preparation.

PLAB Part I Books

1: Oxford Handbook Series: 

No doubt Oxford Handbook Series is one of the best series for different exams. So you should have it in your library. But these 3 Books are most commonly used for PLAB Part 1 exam .

A: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine:

This book, as has been said by other reviews is the Bible for Clinical Medicine. It also articulates very well with the other books, it works very well with the book on A&E Medicine.

B: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialities:

This handbook and the “Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine” between them cover the span of clinical medicine. This new edition has been redesigned and all sections have been completely updated and revised in collaboration with senior clinical readers and a panel of medical students.

C: Oxford Handbook of accident and emergency Medicine:

This book is extremely useful in clinical life and PLAB part one emergencies section. Also useful if you plan to go into exciting field of accident and emergency medicine. (800 pages). The emergencies are covered to some extent on OHCM. Also after reading colourful OHCM this B & W book seems a bit dull but has detailed info.

So these 3 Books are Must have Books for PLAB Part 1 Exam.

EMQ books for PLAB Part I EMQ BOOKS for plab one Exam:

You should solve past EMQs and then go for EMQ books. Simple rule which you should follow is: The more PLAB EMQs you solve the more you score. If not all do solve one book from each series[Pastest/Una coles/ Medic Byte]. Refer to OHCM / OHCS or reference books for any doubtful answers.

See also  PLAB 1 Quick Revision by Al-Khair 2023 PDF Download

PLAB: 1000 Extended Matching Questions 

PLAB: Part 1, Vol. 1 

PLAB Part 1 in a Box 

Get Through PLAB Part 1: 500 Single Best Answer Questions

PLAB Part II Books:

Now we will share the list of Books you will need for PLAB Part 2 Exam. These are

A: OSCE Stations for Medical Finals Book 1

B: OSCE Stations for Medical Finals Book 2

C: Core Clinical Skills for OSCEs in Medicine:
Paperback – 352 pages (7 August, 2000) : A book of over 80 OSCE “stations” grouped under the type of skill being tested, but also indexed by body system. The stations all have detailed answers, underlining the nature of the question, the aims of the examiners, and a commentary in how best to answer the question. The questions will cover how to take a history from a patient and how to present it to the examiner, communication skills, patient examination, interpretation of data, carrying out some basic practical procedures.

D: MacLeod’s Clinical Examination:
The practice of medicine is constantly changing. Some diseases are controlled, or even eradicated, while others increase in frequency and significance. New diagnostic techniques are developed and therapeutic regimens introduced. There is an increasing awareness of the importance of preventative medicine within the community, and also of the special needs of patients, relatives and carers. The tenth edition of this book is designed to keep abreast with changes in medical practice.324 pages 10th Ed (4 May, 2000) This book is essential for all medical students, whether or not appearing for PLAB. This is one of the best clinical medicine books around.

See also  Dr. Khalid's Explanations of 1700 MCQs for PLAB 1 (Complete Questions) [Read & Download]

So these were some important Books which you will need for PLAB Part 1 and Part 2 Exams.

Now in this part of Post we will share you the links where you can Download these Books for Free.

You might also be interested in:

Download PLAB: 1000 Extended Matching Questions PDF Free

1: Download Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 9th Edition. PDF

2: Download Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties 10 Edition PDF:

3: Download Macleod’s Clinical OSCEs PDF 2016

4: Download OSCE for Medical Finals

5: Download PLAB: 1000 Extended Matching Questions 


You may also like to Read Most visited PLAB Post which contains Complete Study Material for PLAB Exam and where you can download all these Materials.


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