CVS Oneliners by Swammy – Mock for PLAB

  1. Glibenclamide with signs of hypoglycemia>>> Review dose


  1. Coronary-subclavian steal syndrome >>>( cervical rib compresses subclavian artery) falls while putting up curtains>> Advice on posture


  1. Fast irregular pulse >> post MI >> Atrial fibrillation


  1. Post MI >> collapse >> new PSM >> Ventricular septal rupture


  1. Post MI >> HR = 35bpm>> collapse = HEART BLOCK


  1. Post MI>> Pulseless leg= MURAL THROMBUS EMBOLISM


  1. Post MI ( 5years) >> syncopal attack > regular HR 36 bpm>> Mx: Implanted pacemaker


  1. Hyperthyroid + ST ( 126 bpm) >>> Rx: carbimazole and B blocker


  1. HF + AF == Digoxin+ anticoagulant


  1. ACUTE MASSIVE PULMONARY EMBOLISM= trachycardia+ hypotention raised JVP+ reduced SO2+ ECG: T wave inversion lead III


  1. Trachycardia + normal BP , JVP , CXR >> Q wave in V1 to V3 >> MI


  1. Trachycardia + reduce BP  and SO2>>> normal JVP and ECG , CXR= no vascular marking on the right = PNEUMOTHORAX


  1. ACEi = diabetic ( type II) + BMI 24+ LV dysfunction


  1. Acute MI + BMI 23.6 + started on Aspirin+ cholestereol 4.7 mmol/l>>> Prevention intervention+ STATIN


  1. > 55 yrs + HTN= CCB


  1. Obese + HTN >>> Prevention intervention >> WEIGHT REDUCTION


  1. Family h/o heart ds + cholesterol 7.8 mmol/l + on Aspirin>> Prevention intervention+ STATIN
  2. Lassitude + breathlessness + purulent sputum+ palpitations>> ?? Pul Oedema>> Inv : CXR
  3. h/o weight loss+ short temper + trachycardia>> ECG : simus rhythm >> ?? hyperthyroidism >> Inv TFT
  4. Frequent episode of chest pain+ irregular heart beat + PR 60 bpm>> ?? heart block >> Inv : 24hr ambulatory ECG
  5. Thumping heart + on sitting up for 2 min subsides >>> ?? Atrial Myxoema>> Inv : ECHO
  6. Severe chest pain+SOB+ febrile + trachypnia+ raised JVP with scanty bilateral basal lung crackles>> Dx: PUL EMBOLISM
  7. Young age + HTN + family history + bilateral palpable kidney with loin pain >>> ??? PCKD >> Inv : USG abdomen\
  8. CUSHINGS = weight gain + acne + easy brusibility+ HTN+ plethoric >>>> Inv 24 HR URINARY FREE CORTISOL CONCENTRATION
  9. CONN;S SYNDROME = BP 210/110 + hyperetensive retinopathy+ hypokalemia>> Inv : PLASMA ALDOSTERONE CONCENTRATION
  10. PHOECHROMOCYTOMA = overproduction of catecholamine leading to HTN
  11. PCKD= HTN + AD
  12. CONN’S SYNDROME= HTN due to increase production of aldosterorone
  13. GLOMERULONEPHRITIS = immune complex deposition in glomerular basement membrane>>> leading to HTN
  14. Heart failure + AF = Digoxin
  15. Student + anxiety + palpitation >>>> CAFFEIN EXCLUSION
  16. palpitation + faintness+ BP 90/50 ECG: SVT >>> Resistant to adenosine = DC CARDIOVERSION
  17. DIRECT CURRENT (dc) CARDIOVERSION= Recurrent VT resistant to initial Rx + Bronchial asthma present + CVS stable+ h/o MI
  18. WPW + AF + resistant to drug RX= ACCESSORY PATHWAY ABLATION
  19. Hypertensive+ ex-smoker+ normal BMI = drinks 50 units of alcohol per weak >>preventive measure >> alcohol reduction
  20. Type 1 DM + microalbuniuria >>> preventive measure >>> ACEi
  21. HTN with well controlled bp + cholesterol 7.8 + HDL 0.8 >>> preventive measure >> STATIN
  22. HTN + 20 cigarette / day + TG : HDL = 4 >>> preventive measure Smoking ceasation
  23. Bp 160/100 on three separate occasion + BMI 28 >>> Preventive measure WEIGHT REDUCTION
  24. Hyperthyroid + palpitation = Inv : TFT
  25. Asmetic pt>>>PR 130 bpm despite PERF 400 L/min: >>> Mx review medication
  26. SVT not responding to carotid message and valasalva >>> Mx: ADENOSINE / VERAPAMIL
  27. Heavy smoker + heavy drinker >> racing of heart >> all inv normal >> MX : LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION
  28. H/O IHD presenting with palpitation BP normal >>> Atenolol
  29. Post MI >>> LVF with MR >> Dx : Papillary muscle rupture
  30. CF + spider naevi on chest + enlarged heart + BP normal>>>> m/a NUTRITIONAL
  31. Post MI >>>> now PSM  >>>> VSD
  32. SVT = light headedness + palpitations with similar episodes in the past + PR 170 bmp + BP 100/60 mmHg
  33. Post op >>> rt hypochondriac pain +fever + SYSTOLIC murmur >> ??? Infective Endocarditis >>> Inv : blood culture
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