ENT Oneliners by Swammy – Mock for PLAB

  1. Cocaine abuse =minor bleed on nose blowing+large septal defect
  2. Acute leukaemia +nose bleeds+ lyphadenopathy splenomegaly=ACUTE LEUKAEMIA
  3. .INFECTIVE VESTIBULITIS=numerous nose bleeds + extensive crusting of nares (TOPICAL NEOMYCIN )
  4. Hypertension +ACEinh +epistaxis + anterior septum cauterization =PROMINENT BLOOD VESSELS seen
  5. BPPV=dizziness on postural change=TILT TABLE TEST
  6. CHOLESTEATOMA=repeated ear infection +progressive conductive hearing loss + attic crust
  7. NASOPHARYNGEAL TUMOUR =old age+ unilateral otalgia + signs of otitis media+ recurrent epistaxis
  8. wax impaction= unilateral deafness + dark brown mass obscuring ear drum
  9. MENIERE’S DISEASE= rotatory vertigo+tinnitus+ low frequency hearing loss in right ear
  10. 81 year old woman>>> high tone hearing loss=PRESBYCUSIS
  11. mumps=18 year old /adolescent + smooth tender swelling extending from ear to angle of the jaw + temp=38.5
  12. Suspicion of acoustic Neuroma=MRI HEAD =vertigo +deafness+tinnitus+ right sided facial numbness
  13. UNILATERAL RECURRENT LARYNGEAL NERVE INJURY= hoarseness of voice+ immobile vocal cord on one side
  14. ACUTE SINSUSITIS =supra orbital pain+ tenderness over maxilla+ mild fever
  15. rugby player+tender red ear+tympanic membrane normal=PARACETAMOL
  16. Left sided sensory neural hearing loss+tinnitus=ACOUSTIC NEUROMA=MRI BRAIN
  17. NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA=old age+long history of smoking and alcohol intake+ nasal obstruction +epistaxis +diplopia+otalgia+conductive deafness
  18. MAXILLARY SINUSITIS=right sided facial pain following cold
  19. SECRETORY OTITIS MEDIA(GLUE EAR) = young child raising the volume of TV+ not responding to his mother+ o/e dull greyish tympanic membrane + no shadow of handle of malleus
  20. old age+History of weight loss+ hoarseness of voice+ ct shows opacity in the right upper mediastinum >>>appropriate inv=LN BIOPSY
  21. OTOSCLEROSIS=A.D.+middle aged man+bilateral conductive hearing loss
  22. Pregnancy+ bilateral conductive hearing loss=otosclerosis =measles
  23. NASOPHARYGEAL CARCINOMA =25 year history of smoking+progressive hoarseness of voice+ difficulty in swallowing +episodes of hemoptysis + CANNABIS USER
  24. SINUS SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA= chronic sinusitis+ nasal obstruction+ blood stained nasal discharge +cheek swelling+ epiphora+ ptosis+ diplopia + maxillary pain
  25. NASAL POLYP=asthmatic patient + post nasal discharge + bilateral painless nasal blockage (sampters triad=aspirin+asthma+nasal polyp)
  26. .hypoglossal nerve lesion= deviation on tongue on same side on protrusion
  27. tender ear+sudden onset of earache=otitis externa
  28. Old woman +left sided facial weakness + painful ear ×48hours+ painful pustules in ear canal and ear drum=HERPES ZOSTER INFECTION
  29. Old woman +left sided facial weakness + painful ear ×48hours+ painful pustules in ear canal and ear drum=HERPES ZOSTER INFECTION (ACYCLOVIR+PREDNISOLONE)
  30. Swelling in the lower pole of parotid gland for the last ten years +o/e firm in consistency =PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA (very slow growing tumour)
  31. OTITIS MEDIA=URTI +fever+ earache + dull tympanic membrane
  32. hypertensive+severe nose bleed>>>not controlled by anterior packing =DO POSTERIOR NASAL PACKING
See also  CVS Oneliners by Swammy - Mock for PLAB


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