How the result of FCPS Part 1 is Made?

The answer of this question is not known by any one in Pakistan ? . Every candidate wants to know that “How does CPSP make the result? What is the Method? Are there any Negative Markings? What are the Passing Marks? Are there Negative Markings after 3rd attempt? Does every MCQ has different markings? ” and many more questions.

Today we will discuss all “Hypothesis about The Making of Result by College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan.

Hypothesis 1

First Hypothesis is that each question caries different marks, i mean if one question has 5 numbers the other one has 9 numbers. Many students of FCPS have this concept in their minds. What is the reason of this thinking? i will show you an image which can easily tell you about this Percentile concept.

As you can easily see the result comes in points, which means some question carries more marks than other. So this image can easily show why students think about this Hypothesis.

Hypothesis 2

This Hypothesis states that the question which is marked correctly by all candidates has no marks, i mean this question is skipped from the result. Similar is the case with the question which is marked wrongly by all candidates. So it means the result is made on the basis of “Average”. Average means all those questions are counted which are marked correctly by some candidates and marked wrongly by other candidates. So this Hypothesis is all about it.

Hypothesis 3

This hypothesis states that you will be declared pass if you get 75 % aggregate in your exam. The question that is asked by many students from the center of CPSP, in reply they have written that any student that will take 75 % aggregate will be declared as pass. Below are the images of this criteria that can make it more clear.

See also  SK Pearls of FCPS Part 1


Hypothesis 4

According to few candidates Result is in Points because Relative System of marking is applied here e.g if Paper is topped on 95 and you got 80 so the Top scorer marks would be considered 100 and your score accordingly like 84.21.
So the formula of marking will be like:

Marks = Your Marks/Topper Marks × 100
E.g Marks = 80/95 × 100

Recent Email by CPSP: 

In one of email sent by CPSP in response to email sent by a student they have mentioned that marking system is based on cronback’s formula. You can read complete chat bellow:



Hopefully this article take you to the point that How the result of FCPS Part 1 is made.


1: Some candidates ask about the Negative Markings, i will tell them that there is no Negative Markings in FCPS part 1 Exam.

2: Some have thinking that there are Negative Markings after Third attempt. Again the answer is No.


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