How to Clear FCPS Part 1 ENT?


So this post is for all the ENT Candidates !
First of all get yourselves a copy of CPSP Syllabus(ENT) from any regional CPSP office………I would suggest that take atleast 4-5 months for your preparation to be on the safe side…. This is an unforgiving exam and it gets really big on you!!! I cleared it in around 2.5 months but i literally went berserk at it…. But i was always short of time!!

1.Anatomy(snell’s review) for all other regions except Head and neck which you’ll have to do from Big Snell(that’s what we call it).
2. Physiology: BRS(more than enough)
3. Pathology: Only Basic Pathology from BRS
4. Embryology: High Yield
5. Neuroanatomy( kaplan)
6. Special pathology: First Aid
7: Microbiology, Biochemistry,biostatistics, Immunology, pharmacology, behavioral sciences from First Aid
8. First Aid complete( No one can underestimate the importance of this book for paper 1) and it also helps in paper 2(not much though)
9. BCQ Books are REALLY IMPORTANT….I found  Chandkians(complete)and Asim n shoaib(atleast surgery and allied and medicine and allied)more helpful than Rabia Ali…. My suggestion( Chandkians and Asim n shoaib)
PAPER 2: So here’s the tough part …… Paper 2 is the real deal and it’s a tough nut to crack coz there is no material available on any forum for this part(or atleast i couldn’t find any)…So here you go
1.Anatomy of Head and Neck should be on your Finger tips you’ll get around 25-30 questions from this region.
2.Anatomy of Ear, Nose, Throat and Paranasal sinuses from dhingra(in detail) you won’t find enough material on these even in snell or any other anatomy heavy weights so do it from Dhingra.
3. Respiratory Physiology, physiology of Hearing and taste from Guyton!! Nearly All the physiology MCQs were from guyton in June 10 2015 paper 2
3. Embryology Langmann(Head and neck region + development of ear only)
4. Microbiology: First Aid is more than enough( while going through microbiology part just mark the micro-organisms which are of significance to ENT and Head n Neck region like EBV is related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, C.Diptheriae is CPSP’s favorite)
5. Autoimmune diseases involving ENT and Head n Neck region like wegner’s granulomatosis etc(you can find these in First Aid)
6. Common congenital anomalies of ENT you can find these in embryology or dhingra)
7. Tumors related to ENT(not in detail just the most common,most malignant ,most common in pediatric age group , most common in adults, risk factors and stuff like that, you won’t be asked for staging and grading etc)
8. CPSP loves to ask about asthma ,you might be asked questions like what happens to pco2 in early asthmatic attack or what analgesic would you prescribe to an asthmatic patient etc
9. BCQ books will come into play ,coz there will be around 10-15 questions completely unrelated ENT so you’ll have to do those books!!
10. There is a chapter in dhingra dedicated to THEEE FACIAL NERVE(must do that) and a chapter on common inflamatory conditions of head n neck region
11. Just give a read to the hearing loss chapter…
That was a little guidance for people appearing in ENT FCPS Part 1…. It might sound too much but this is what i did…. Good luck to all of you and i’m here for all the help you want!!!
(Shared by Dr Ansab Hasnain)

See also  How the result of FCPS Part 1 is Made?


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