How to Clear IMM on the First go?

“Firm belief on Allah is the key to Success”

As for as my experience about IMM (operative) is concerned, its totally luck game but your hard work also play an important part.

IMM is actually an extended version of final year, in which your basic knowledge is tested. My seniors played an important part in my success .


My actual duration of serious study was last 5 months. Seniors guidance about what to study, what to leave, time management, how to attempt paper is very important.


As for as course is concerned ,operative dentistry course is very lengthy.


  • Summit whole book
  • ART AND SCIENCE (selective)
  • Pathways of pulp(whole book)
  • Rosential(selective)
  • Perio (beside implant whole book)
  • Welbery (whole book)
  • Beside hard work

Prayer are very imp. So always pray to Allah for help . If u have firm faith on Allah then nothing can stop you from achieving success.

By : Dr. Talha Khan (PGR FMH Lahore)

See also  Exam Syllabus of DHA


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