How to get FCPS Residency at KPK by Dr. Abdul Rauf Khan

How to get FCPS Residency at KPK by Dr. Abdul Rauf Khan

Assalam o alykum w w …….
Hope you will be fine
Students asking about residency; keep in mind that procedure to get residency in each province is change , residency will provided by those hospitals which are recognized by CPSP(collage of physician and surgeon pakistan) for the given specialty.

Like in kp there is regional PGMI hyatabad peshawer, all recognized hospital send latter to PGMI for the required vacant slots for sending them trainees in their needed specialty.. Note:: that each year they required change no of trainees thou some hospitals has a constant no also__ of all medicine , surgery and dentistry specialty. In both private and government hospitals the training provided by PGMI is whole time Paid and residential. Some hospitals only provided their slots one time in an year, while some are in each induction.
For dentistry diff specialties which includes

  • Maxillofacial(tough and abundant slots),
  • Prostho(slots on 2nd no),
  • Ortho(3rd),
  • Operative(4th),
  • Perio (only in kcd). Different institutes/hospitals providing slots are Hayatabad medical complex(maxfac),

LRH(maxfac),KCD(Maxfac,ortho,prostho,operative,perio),AMC(maxfac,ortho),BAcaha khan(maxfac,prostho), Alrehmat memorial(operative,prostho,??),RCD(operative,maxfac),PDC(prostho,ortho,maxfac,operative),CMH pesh(maxfac)AFID,KRL……..BUT they don’t always need trainees in all these specialties it is upto them how much the institute want to take that’s why no of trainees to be inducted are not fixed. All latters are displayed on PGMI site before induction.
Every year approx. 70 plus trainees are inducted in kp, and in previous induction (January 2019) 90 plus tmos were inducted in dentistry.
Come to the point……..when induction starts
1.PGMI KP will announce admission in newspaper, on their site ,on their facebook page, and notification spread over social media , even I will post it in my group also don’t worry. In end of june or start of july.
2.all the required doc along with app and fee should be submitted with in PGMI, along with ETEA certificate(should be taken from etea office hyatabad by telling etea test year and your name)
3.PGMI will make provisional merit list and will displayed on their site and also mentioned thae date of interview. If you have any doubt about your marks etc you will contact them with in a week and they will solve your problem. merit list will be displayed 3 to 4 days before interview
5. 1day before interview they will scrutnatised your doc and on next day they will interviwed you by checking ONLY YOUR ORIGNAL DOC; and ask about your choice speciality and training site(keep in mind they will make merit according to a formula I will tell later, seats will be filled according to merit)
6.after interview they will make an Office order where candidate and their hospital is mentioned and their merit no also.
7. you will apply online for RTMC on cpsp website , you will give your supervisor and institute which is give by pgmi and will signed from your supervisor and HOI along with an affidavit, arrival report(all will be available on PGMI site) along with all req doc,,, and three copies of all will be submit edit before last date in PGMI, CPSP regional office and your institution.
NOW YOU ARE INDUCTE ,,,, PRAY for me… for any quarry plz ask me in my watssap group,

See also  How to Apply for FCPS Part 1 Exam?

Marks distribution formula.
1.matric………………………… 5%
3.ETEA …………………………..30%

5.Best graduate assigned with 2.5 % additional marks.
6. all BDS attempt without supply …..2.5 % marks(if you have supply in a year_doesnt matter 1 or 2 or 3 you will be deducted with 0.625 marks)
Frmula of aggregate= marks obtained in matric/total marks*5 + maks obt in fsc/total maks*10 + maks obt in ETEA/800*30 + maks obtained in bds(1st+2nd +3rd +4th )/total maks*50+add 2.5 if you don’t have supply+ add 2.5 if you are best garaduate
For Punjab there is PRP system will talk to you later on

Yours DR ABDULRAUF Khan marwat ( Dr.ARA)


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