Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 6th Edition PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 6th Edition PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

This full-color text prepares dental professionals to promptly and proactively recognize and manage medical emergencies that may occur in the dental office. It details how to anticipate potential emergencies and what resources must be on hand to deal effectively with these situations. The book is arranged in eight sections concentrating on topics such as prevention of emergencies through patient evaluation (medical history) and specific types of more common emergencies that practitioners may encounter.

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Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experiencebroaden our knowledge, changes in practice, treatment and drug therapy may become necessary orappropriate. Readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on proceduresfeatured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommendeddose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the respon-sibility of the practitioner, relying on their own experience and knowledge of the patient, to makediagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take allappropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the Authorassumes any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out or related to any use of the material contained in this book.

 About Author

I am very pleased to be invited to offer a foreword to the new sixth edition of
Medical Emergencies in the DentalOffice.
 In recalling the original publication of 1978, oneis impressed with the creative talent and knowledge ofthe “titans of teaching”—Dr. Frank (“Cap”) McCarthyand Dr. Stanley Malamed. They foresaw the need anddeveloped basic logical ways of assessing a patient’sphysical status when presenting for dental treatment.Undergraduate dental education often pays limitedlip service to our basic concern for the well-being of thetotal patient as it struggles to teach the many manualand technique-oriented procedures. But we know thatthe “mouth is really part of the body” and our concernsinvolve the whole individual, especially one compromisedby underlying systemic pathology.Although a bridge or implant may fail, these are repairable. When a patient sustains a stroke secondaryto an unsuspected hypertensive crisis or aspirates achunk of impression material that blocks breathing, weare faced with a potential tragedy. Learning how toassess the physical and emotional status of each patientprovides a hedge against disaster.I have always believed that the dental undergraduatecurriculum should include a better grounding in patho-physiology to provide a basis for practice. The dentalprofession has moved forward to use blood pressurerecording almost routinely, especially in assessing newpatients and has moved to require basic life support(BLS) and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) educa-tion for licensure. Further, monitoring devices are nowmandated in most states for those dentists who usesedative and anesthetic agents.It is impressive to see how these teachings havechanged over time; important algorithms that were be-lieved to be like gospel have been discarded as moreexperience is gained. The sixth edition of this book re-flects these improvements. These changes mandate thatwe keep current in our new knowledge and practices.Some tragedies are inevitable when dealing withpatients, but knowing how and when to anticipate andmanage them reduces the likelihood of their occurrence.The expense of training the professional and lay publicin the recognition and management of emergencies isenormous, but a successful resuscitation, saving the lifeof a loved one, is worth it.
Norman Trieger, DMD, MD
Chairman Emeritus and ProfessorDepartment of DentistryAlbert Einstein College of Medicine/MontefioreMedical CenterBronx, New York

Book Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 6th Edition is available to download free in pdf format.

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  • Name of Book: Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 6th Edition
  • Format: pdf
  • Categories: Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry
  • Writer(s): Stanley F. Malamed
  • Publisher: Mosby Elsevier
  • File Size: 32mb

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Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office 6th Edition PDF Free Download

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