Past Papers of HAAD for GP (2009 to 2016)


Picture of sickle cell anemia
o Blood smear

 A 67-year-old woman – prolapse of uterus with anterior wall (cystocele); security
guard; G6P2Ay; Had prolonged labour in last pregnancy (35 years back). Had
chronic bronchitis. What is the most important causative factor:
o Age
o Parity
o Prolonged labour in last pregnancy
o Chronic bronchitis
o Prolonged standing

 A 45-year-old man – accident – flail chest, splenic laceration – operated
(splenectomy done) and shifted to ICU – shifted to ward but developed systemic
hypotension, ______, crackles on chest auscultation, CO – 8 L/min. Cause?
o PE
o Cardiogenic shock
o Septic shock

 An 8-year-old child with learning disabilities but normal relationships and
activities –Learning disability.

 A 28-year-old female/ OCPs/ 2d pain with relief after _____. Cause?
o Choledocolithiasis
o Cholestasis
o ______

 A 65-year-old retired female security guard with chronic bronchitis comes with
complains of something coming out of vagina. G6P6A0. Examination shows
uterus at level of introitus. What is most important risk factor in this patient?
o Age
o Parity
o Prolonged standing
o Chronic bronchitis
 ECG of Ventricular Tachycardia
 Newborn presents with hypoglycemia and seizures. Mother is diabetic. Cause?

o Gestational diabetes
o _______
o Intraventricular hemorrhage

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