Clinchers 100 Important Points for PLAB

51. At birth two arteries and left umbilical vein is present
52. in COPD—- inc lung compliance
53. Exophthalmos is due to lymphocytic infiltration
54. uvula deviated to left…nerve damaged—- right vagus
55. Blood supply of head of femur
Children—-obturator artery
Adults—- Retinacular arteries
56. During muscle contraction…. A band does not shorten
57. Doc pulmonary anthrax—-ciprofloxacin
58. half life of insulin— 5 min
59. Shortest half life—–GnRH>>>Epinephrine>>rest
60. DOC for cryptosporidium—Nitazoxanide
61. Chemotactic Factors
PAF—- eosinophils
PDGF—— Neutrophils and Macrophages
TGF-beta—– Macrophages and Fibroblasts
Fibronectin—- Fibroblasts and Endothelial cells
62. Histamine is released from Mast cells, Basophils and Platelets
63. Serotonin is derived from Platelets
64. Thromboxane A2 causes vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation. Source : Platelets
65. Prostacyclin (PGI2) causes vasodilation and inhibits platelet aggregation
66. Slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis— LTC4, LTD4, LTE4
67. C5b-9 is a lytic agent for bacteria and other cells
68. In anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome aPTT is prolonged. This is a paradoxical abnormality. Its an artifact
because aPTT is prolonged in hemorrhagic disorders whereas APS is a thrombotic disorder
69. Anti-cardiolipin antibody which is seen in SLE and APS can cause a false positive test for syphilis
70. Strawberry tongue is seen in Scarlet fever and Kawasaki disease


71. Type 1 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
–not immune mediated
–occurs within a day of starting heparin
–not a contra-indication of heparin therapy
72. Type 2 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
–occurs 5-10 days after starting heparin
–No. of platelets less than 50% of their baseline value
–occurs in approx 1% of heparinized patients
–further heparin treatment is contraindicated
73. DOC for Nocardia—Sulfonamides
DOC for Actinomyces—Penicillin
Remember mnemonic SNAP…. Sulfonamides for Nocardia and for Actinomyces, Penicllin
74. Only bacteria whose cell membrane has cholesterol— Mycoplasma pneumonia
75. Rickettsia typhi is transmitted by a flea
Rickettsia rickettsi is transmitted by dog tick
76. Romana Sign— Unilateral peri-orbital edema characteristic of Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi)
77. Anti-kell antibody is the next most common immune red cell antibody after ABO and Rh system

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78. Lipoproteins are secreted into—- space of disse
79. Fibroblasts secrete amorphous extracellular material
80. Middle ear floor overlies the carotid canal
81. Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus—-lesser occipital nerve and greater auricular nerve
82. Black eye is due to accumulation of blood in layer no. 04
83. Signs of Zinc Deficiency
-Dec wound healing
-Parotid enlargement
-Dec male fertility
-Scaly Dermatitis
84. Drugs causing gynecomastia
85. Dopamine half life is 2min and time to reach steady state is 8-9 minutes because it takes 4-5 half lives to
reach steady state
86. DOC tapeworm infestation—-niclosamide
87. Patient dehydrated..treatment— 5% D/W
88. Patient severely dehydrated…treatment—- 0.9% N/S
89. Umbilical artery PO2—30 mmhg
90. O2 sat of blood leaving placenta—80%
91. Poison ivy causes Type 1,2 and 4 hypersensitivities
92. -Most common organism causing peritonitis—- E.coli
-Most common organism causing pyogenic peritonitis—bacteroides
-Most common organism causing peritonitis post-operative/ after gynecological infection—-bacteroides
93. -Germ cells derived from—-endoderm
-Primordial germ cells derived from—– yolk sac wall
94. -Most important support of uterus/uterine cervix—– Transverse ‘ cervical ligament( cardinal ligament)
-Dynamic support of uterus—– pelvic diaphragm
95. Perineal region dermatome is s2-s3
96. One walks on L5 and S1 and sits on S3
97. QRS coincides with c wave of JVP
98. Hypothyroidism is associated with hyperprolactinemia ‘ ( dec T3,T4–>inc TRH—>stimulates prolactin
99. DOC for gas gangrene—- penicillin
100. Pregnancy and RA are the most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome


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