SK Pearls of FCPS Part 1


Hypertension..JG cells affected
Dopamine BBB not crossed
Floor of 4th ventrical suprolateral scp
Protooncogen overexpresdion most common cause of neoplasm
Dorsal rami supply extensors of trunk
Cortisol extrahepatic catabolism
Hepatic anabolism of proteins
Lens never regenerate
Heart contractility depends upon calcium ions
BPS airated by tertiary brochus
Gram staining quick way to check gonococcus
Olfactory cells biopolar neurons
Adh via v1 causes sm consriction in arterioles Gq
Infraorbital artery branch of maxillary artery
Xx+pseudohermaphrodism androgenitql syndrome
Rt main bronchus lenghth 2.5
Platlets infusion contraindicated in spleenomegaly
In venous blood rbcs have more hco3
Shortening of chromosome > transcriptase
Normal resp cycle
2sec ins 3 sec exp
Pressure is dissipated at arteriolar arterioles
6th post mi day pericardial temponade common
Highest Mg stores in bones
Angiopathy neuropathy cause of ulcers in diabetics
Edema of kidney origin albuminuria and na retension
Tubercle of bacili cells comes from monocytes
Cristmas factor b> factor ix
Primordial germ cells derived from endoderm
Kidney derived from intermediate mesoderm
ureteric bud derived from caudal end of mesonephric duct
fisherman with ecchymosis on lips caused by vit c def
Trisomy 21 robertsonion translocation
premalignant lesion of vulva is condyloma
chlamydia most common cause of PID
uv prolapsed complication > chronic discharge and metaplasia
sorbitol is an alcohal sugar
HLA compatability for BMT
in deep inspiration dead space does not change
graft versus host disease is an example of apoptosis
serotonin and epinephrine are mainly metabolized by MAO
proteinuria leads to russel bodies formation
dead space is not changed in deep inspiration
metaplasia is functional change in size
virulence of bacteria depends upon type of toxin
inc in stroma and dec in glands is atrophy
patent lumen of allantois>urachal fistula
nociceptive afferents terminate in post gray column
dorsal colum enter in dorsal gray horn
only protein diet > inc glucagon
gaba mediates anxiolytic effect
parasympathetic 75% by vagus
sphingomyelin does nit contain glycerol
volume of distribution:dose upon concentration
sjogren > sialogram test assessry
thioridazone has strongest antimiscarinic effect
inc resp in pregnancy> progesterone
bradykinin > polypeptide > vasodilation
cervical spine lateral horn is missing
peroxisomes long chain fattay acids oxidation
whole wheat source of thiamine
1litre urine contains NACL =2-6 gm/litre
miscele carry products of TAG digestion to small intestine epithelium
surfactant forms macromolecular layer between water molecules
endogenous muscle relaxant is endorphin
restlessness is effect of atropine on cns
swallowing of bronchial secretions is parasympathetic action
slow pain substance p
fast pain glutamate
stimulatory neurotransmitter in cerebellum is glutamate
granular layer is the only stimulatory layer of cerebellum
clostridium does not produce endotoxin
HLA gene on chromosome 6
calcitonin congo stained
aortic notch is due to aortic valve
➡️tubuloglomerular feedback supported by dec peritubular NA conc
submandibular surgery
Injures marginal branch of mandibular branch of facial nerve
renal artery >segmental >interlobar>arcuate
upper origin of external oblique forms digitation with serratous anterior
sarcoidosis>granuloma with asteroid bodies
mumps rna
IM dna
Endopeptidases are more imp than exopeptidases for protein digestion
deep sea divers > emboli in arteries
albino>dec melanin in choroid layer of retina
iga neohropathy mesangial deposits in gbm
igm and c3 deposits in FSGS
tracheostomy level 2-3rd tracheal ring
germinal follicles cortex of LN
IAPP endocrine type
systemic AL
secondary AA
heridity TTR
ant triangle c2,c3
Folia seen in cerebellum
acetylcholine not released at postganglionic nerves to vasoconstricting muscles
histones have arginine and lysine
nucleus is continuous with rough endoplasmic reticulumn
distributiok curve :mean and standard deviation
fetal cortisol major role in parturation
CPN related to biceps femoris laterall
standard deviation in normal distribution mean median mide coincide
neural tube forms cns
listeria only gram positive organism producing LpS
Earliest response inc catecholamine
Potent. Shivering
Anterior hyoothalmus main controling center
Thermogenesis via sympathetic b1 to fats
And motorneurons
Dissipation mainly via parasympathetic
IL-1 increses prostaglandin in brain to inc set point
Cogwheel or lead pipe in parkinson
Clasp knife in upper motor neyron leision
exogenous steroids> dec IL-2 release
Sturge weber >choroid hemangioma
afibrogenemia ⬆️pt⬆️ptt⬆️bt
Normal playlets
no granuloma in anaerobes
muscles supply
40% sens 60% motor
basiphillia to cells is bt RER
diencephalon does not include superior colliculus
b-endorphins mist abundantly in hypothalamus
most common genetic pathology is by nucleotides
lichen simplex chronicus is a/w sq neoplasia
polyclonal huperplasia > IM
insula is deep to lateral sulcus
diazepam relaxes sk muscle by inhibitory interneurons
diphenoxylate DOC for travellers diarrhea
synapses absent in dorsal root ganglion
cerebral aqueduct forms cavity of midbrain
griseofulvin not used in candid
isotonic exercise TPR remains same
chromophobes smallest cells in ant pituitary
subclavian artery arches over 1st rib
transduction genome from bacteria to virus
tip of nose ophthalmic division
release of histamine is by morphine
microaneurysm of HIv don’t include hard exudates
adenoid cystic CA invades the periphral nerves sheath
forced respiration sternocleidomastoid and scalnes
spleenomegaly in hodgkins is stage 3
nuclear bag fibers carry dynamic response
pseudihypoparathyroidism is associated with hupocal dmi
birbeck granules are associated with histocytosis
conc urine is function of vasa recta
collagen amorphous abundant substance
adamstroke. High degree heart block stroke with FND
cruciate intracapsular
Lesion at l1 conus medularis
denticulate ligament extension of pia meter

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