Subjectwise Topics to cover for PLAB 1


1. Diabetes Mellitus
a) Type 1 diabetes
b) Type 2 diabetes
c) Complications (including diabetic retinopathy; neuropathy; arterial disease)
d) Diabetic foot care
e) Hypoglycaemia/ hyperglycaemia
f) Patient with diabetes undergoing surgery
g) Diabetes in pregnancy (see also under Reproductive)

2. General
a) Hyperparathyroidism
b) Hypoparathyroidism
c) Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN 1 and MEN 2)

3. Adrenal
a) Adrenal gland
b) Addisonian crisis
c) Addison’s disease
d) Hyperaldosteronism
e) Phaeochromocytoma
f) Virilism
g) Gynaecomastia (see under Breast)
h) Impotence (see under Reproductive/ Fertility problems)
i) Cushing’s syndrome

4. Pituitary gland
a) Hypopituitarism
b) Pituitary tumours
c) Hyperprolactinaemia; hypoprolactinaemia
d) Acromegaly
e) Diabetes insipidus
f) Hypopituitary coma

5. Thyroid Disorders
a) Cancer
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Thyroid eye disease
d) Hypothyroidism
e) Thyroid disease in pregnancy (see also under Reproductive/ Problems in
f) Goitre; nodules
g) Thyroid emergency


1. Earache any cause
a) Cancer
b) Infection
c) Eustachian tube dysfunction

2. Hearing Problems: any cause
a) Foreign body (including wax)
b) Conductive and nerve deafness

3. Hoarseness and stridor any cause
a) Cancer
b) Infection (including epiglottitis)
c) Voice misuse (including nodules)
d) Nerve injury (including palsies)
e) Stridor (see also under Thyroid abnormalities/ Goitre)

4. Nasal Symptons
a) Cancer
b) Bleeding
c) Nasal obstruction (including polyps; allergic rhinitis)
d) Infections
e) Trauma (including fractures)

5. Vertigo any cause
a) Ménières disease
b) Labyrinthitis
c) Cancer
d) Cerebellar lesions (see also under Neurological)
e) Benign positional
f) Toxins (including alcohol)


1. Eye Pain
a) Cancer
b) Sinusitis (see also under ENT)
c) Glaucoma
d) Migraine (see also under Neurological/ Headache
e) Foreign body

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2. Orbital Swelling
a) Cancer
b) Infection (including cellulitis; blepharitis)
c) Thyroid disease (see under Endocrine)
d) Cysts: congenital and acquired
e) Eyelid Disorder

3. Red eye
a) Infection
b) Conjunctivitis
c) Iritis
d) Trauma (including foreign body)
e) Scleritis/ episcleritis
f) Glaucoma
g) Subconjunctival haemorrhage
h) Polycythaemia

4. Visual impairment
a) Tumours (including pituitary)
b) Arterial and venous
c) Lens (including cataract; dislocation)
d) Degenerative
e) Hereditary
f) Systemic conditions: including connective tissue; diabetes (see also under
g) Drug-induced
h) Infections
i) Detached retina
j) Vitreous haemorrhage (including floaters)


1. Uretrhal Discharge any cause
a) Infection (including STI)
b) Cancer
c) Foreign body

2. Vaginal Discharge any cause
a) Pruritis vulvae
b) Normal physiological
c) Cancer
d) Infection (including STI)
e) Foreign body
f) Child sexual abuse (see also under Developmental problems)


1. Acid-base imbalance and blood gas abnormalities
a) Metabolic and respiratory acidosis or alkalosis
b) Kidney function (tubular dysfunction, low GFR, chronic renal failure)

2. Electrolyte abnormalities
a) Sodium,
b) potassium,
c) glucose,
d) calcium
f) Magnesium
g) Zinc
h) Selenium
i) Water


1. Hospital Acquired inefction
a) Infection Control
c) C. diff
d) Manages sepsis
a. Understands the seriousness of sepsis
b. Understands and applies the principles of managing a patient with
c. Involves the infection control team at an appropriate early stage
d. Takes appropriate microbiological specimens in a timely fashion
e. Follows local guidelines/protocols for antibiotic prescribing.

2. Serious infection
a) HIV
c) Hep B
d) And Tb

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3. Travel Medicine and Tropical infections: any cause
a) Malaria
b) Bilharzia
c) Dengue fever
d) Lyme disease
e) Toxoplasma
f) Rabies
g) Yellow fever

4. Viral Infections
a) Exanthemata
b) Mumps
c) Measles
d) Rubella
e) Herpes simplex
f) Herpes zoster
g) Viral meningitis
h) Influenza


1. Alcohol and drug misuse and dependence
a) Including co-morbidity and withdrawal
b) Substitution therapy
c) Acute intoxication
d) Harmful use

2. Anxiety
a) Including generalised anxiety disorder, phobias and OCD
b) Panic attack
c) Obsessive compulsive disorder

3. Deliberate self harm
a) Overdose, poisoning and other self-harm
b) Suicidal risk

4. Eating Problems
a) Anorexia
b) Bulimia nervosa

5. Learning and communication problems Any cause
a) Intellectual disability
b) Acquired brain injury

6. Medically-unexplained physical symptons
a) Including psychosomatic disorders,
b) somatisation disorders

7. Mood/ affective problems
a) Depressive disorders
b) Bipolar disorders
c) Suicidal risk

8. Organic Brain Sybdrome
a) Delirium
b) Dementia
c) Encephalopathy

9. Personallity and behavioural disorders
a) Emotionally unstable personality disorder
b) Antisocial personality disorder
c) Pathological gambling
d) Pyromania

10. Psychosis
a) Schizoaffective disorder
b) Delusional disorders

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