Tangy Compiled NDBE Questions 2013-2023 (Download PDF)


  1. Organisms that exhibit dimorphism and grow on Sabouraud’s medium (low pH): Fungi
  2. Type of agar used for most fungi? Sabouraud agar
  3. Organism that causes athletes foot (tinea pedis) à Trichophyton
  4. Which fungal infection leads to superficial skin disease? Trichophyton
  • Epidermophyton & Microsporum cause dermatophytosis. Tx w/ Griseofulvin
  1. Which fungus causes cerebral/brain infarct?
    1. Cryptococcus à may spread into the meninges and cause Cryptococcal Meningitis
    2. Aspergillus à causes aspergilloma “fungus ball” in the lungs causing pulmonary infection in ppl with AIDS or have undergone organ transplant
    3. Mucormycosis à Pt’s w/ diabetic ketoacidosis, burns, or leukemia are particularly susceptible. It results in black, dead tissue in the nasal cavity and blocks the blood supply to the brain.
  • Mucormycosis is found in blood vessels (endothelium) & is often related to diabetic pts
  1. Aflatoxin is what produced by what fungus? Aspergillus
  2. Cell immunity is most important for? Intracellular parasite
  3. Which one can be seen as an intracellular organism? Histoplasmosis
  • In infected tissues, yeast cells of Histoplasmosis are found within macrophages.
  1. Disseminated fungi? Histoplasmosis

Yeast in macropages, bird-bat drooping, via respiratory droplets different than the rest of them

  1. Which pathogen causes granulomatous lesion in lung resembling TB, similar symptoms? Histoplasmosis
  2. What doesn’t give you granulomas? à Gonorrhea
  • Histoplasmosis, M tuberculosis and tertiary syphilis are granulomatous (immune system walls off)
  1. What does not cause a mucosal or epidermal rash? Histoplasmosis
  2. Avian/bird related fungi à Histoplasma capsulatum
  3. Most common cause of fungal meningitis? Cryptococcosis

What is dimorphism in fungus? Mycelium (mold) or as yeast

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