Textbook of Orthodontics PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

Textbook of Orthodontics PDF Free Download (Direct Link)

The book lays emphasis on understanding orthodontic problems. Extensively illustrated with more than 2,500 photographs and diagrams. For the first time there has been an excellent input on orthodontic materials and their uses.The book lays emphasis on understanding orthodontic problems. Extensively illustrated with more than 2,500 photographs and diagrams. For the first time there has been an excellent input on orthodontic materials and their uses.

It is the first all color orthodontic textbook covering all aspects of day-to-day orthodontic practice. It is well illustrated with over 2500 photographs and line diagrams. It is the first textbook to elaborate on the materials used in routine orthodontic practice. The various techniques used have been presented in brief, to give the students and general practitioners alike, an idea as to what is possible using orthodontics alone and which malocclusions require the intervention from other allied branches of dentistry. SECTION ONE: NORMAL GROWTH, 1. Introduction to Orthodontics, 2. Basic Principles of Growth, 3. Prenatal Growth of Cranium, Facial and Oral Structures, 4. Postnatal Growth of the Craniofacial Complex, 5. Development of Dentition, 6. Occlusion in Orthodontics, SECTION TWO: DIAGNOSIS, 7. Diagnostic Aids-Case History and Clinical Examination, 8. Orthodontics Study Models, 9. Cephalometrics-Landmarks and Analysis, 10. Diagnostic Radiographsa and Photographs, 11. Maturity Indicators, 12. Computerized Diagnostic Systems, 13. Classification of Malocclusion, 14. Etiology of Malocclusion-Classifications, 15. Etiology of Malocclusion-General Factors, 16. Etiology of Malocclusion-Local Factors, 17. Dental Public Health Aspects of Orthodontics, SECTION THREE: TREATMENT PLANNING, 18. Treatment Planning, 19. Biology of Tooth Movement, 20. Mechanics of Tooth Movement, 21. Methods of Gaining Space, 22. Anchorage in Orthodontics, 23. Retention and Relapse in Orthodontics, 24. Surgical Procedures in Orthodontics, 25. Orthognathic Surgery, 26. Implants to Mini-Screws, 27. Genetics in Orthodontics, 28. Cosmetic Contouring in Orthodontics, 29. Detrimental Effects of Orthodontics Treatment, SECTION FOUR: ORTHODONTIC MATERIALS, 30. Material Used in Orthodontics-Introduction and Archwire Meterials, 31. Bracket Material and Auxiliary Force Delivery Systems, 32. Impression Material, 33. Luting Materials, 34. Adhesion Promoters and Bonding Material, 35. Orthodontic Instruments, 36. Sterilization in Orthodontics, SECTION FIVE: ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES, 37. Orthodontics Appliances-An Introduction, 38. Removable Orthodontic Appliances, 39. Fixed Orthodontic Appliances, 40. The Edgewise Appliance, 41. The Begg Appliance, 42. The Pre-Adjusted Edgewise Appliance, 43. The Tip Edge Appliance, 44. Lingual Orthodontics, 45. Orthopedic Appliances, 46. Functional Appliances, SECTION SIX: MANAGEMENT OF MALOCCLUSION, 47. Preventive Orthodontic Procedures, 48. Interceptive Orthodontics Procedures, 49. Oral Habits and their Management, 50. Etiology and Management of Class I Malocclusion, 51. Etiology and Management of Class II Malocclusion, 52. Etiology and Management of Class III Malocclusion, 53. Correction of Midline Diastema, 54. Management of Open Bite, 55. Management of Cross Bite, 56. Orthodontics for Adults, 57. Management of Lip and Palate

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Book Textbook of Orthodontics is available to download free in pdf format.

  • Name of Book: Textbook of Orthodontics
  • Format: pdf
  • Categories: Orthodontics
  • Writer(s): Singh
  • Publisher: Medical Publishers
  • File Size: 216.9mb

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics PDF Free Download

Textbook of Orthodontics PDF Free Download

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