When to take MRCP Exam?

Many juniors ask me that when should one take MRCP, answer is very simple. Its up to you, I can just explain different scenarios.

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First of all you have to think where are you planning on spending rest of your life.


Then there are two ways. You can either go for FCPS training or training in UK. Its not an easy and always-confirm job to get training slot in UK. What I suggest that if someone wants to live in Pakistan, he should take MRCP-I right after his/her house job, even before FCPS-I. Reason is FCPS-I is very flawed and uncertain exam. Although I cleared it in first attempt, one can take it after MRCP-I. MRCP is fair exam, if you work hard, you can easily get through. All the government institutes including Pakistan Army considers MRCP and FCPS equivalent. One should go for both side by side.

2-United Kingdom:

If you are planning on living in UK, Simple is the solution. To increase chances of securing training position, try clearing your PLAB during house job or as soon as possible before/after it. Then go to UK and apply for foundation. Only being there and spending foundation years there increases your chances of getting training. During their training, its mandatory to take MRCP at certain period. You have to complete it before entering in to ST3. If you go after MRCP, you will initially get non training post. But for now, there are many jobs available in UK.

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For job in Dubai/Abu dhabi you must clear MOH/DHA. DHA is exempted if your PLAB is clear. But being pakistani doctor, you can not apply for MOH/DHA until you have 3 years clinical experience including house job. No doubt they give more salary to MRCP people than FCPS. After 3 years of MRCP, they hire you as a specialist and pay heavy amount in dirhams.


Complete MRCP and AMC can secure you a highly paid job in Australia. They usually prefer experienced doctors. If you are MRCP and have 3-5 years of clinical experience after it, Sydney is waiting for you.

Thank you

Dr.Ali Hameed


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