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Important Points to Remember for MRCP, AMC, USMLE and FCPS (Download Pdf)

These Points are High Yield Points taken from different Books.

We will share few Points first so that you can have look and then we will share link to download these Points.

  • .Subendothelial Deposits are seen in SLE patients
  • Subepithelial Humps are seen in Acute Poststreptococcal Glomeruloneprhitis
  • Linear Subendothelial are seen in Goodpasture’s (Type II)
  • Mesangial Deposits are seen in IgA Nephropathy
  • Spike and Dome are seen in Membranous
  • Subendothelial Humps are seen in Membranoproliferative
  • Azithromycin – administered to HIV + patients can prevent Mycobacterium Avium
  • Ethambutol – inhibits arabinosyl transferase which polymerizes arabinose into arabinan etc. Side Effects à Optic Neuritis
  • Rifampin – inhibits bacterial DNA dependent RNA polymerase and thus prevents transcription of DNA into mRNA.
  • Isoniazid – inhibits mycolic acid synthesis.
  • FF = GFR/RPF GFR = Creatinine Clearance/Inulin
  • RPF = PAH
  • Fibroadenoma – cellular myxoid stroma, sometimes there are compressed cystic spaces.
  • Spongiosis – epidermal accumulation of edematous fluid in the intercellular spaces.
  • Diphenoxylate – opiate anti-diarrheal structurally related to Meperidine.
  • Octreotide – good for secretory diarrhea, which is a Somatostatin Analog
  • Urease – converts urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia and thus increases pH
  • Radiation Therapy – causes 1) DNA double strand breakage
    2) formation of free radical
  • Methadone – has a long half life
  • In Fetal Lungs – after 30 weeks there is an increase in Lecithin
  • After 36 weeks there is a rise in Phosphatydylglycerol
  • Males with 5 α reductase deficiency – feminized external genitalia, small phallus and Hypospadias are common.
  • Repair Damage – Glycosylase à Endonuclease à Lyase à DNA Polymerase à Ligase
  • H. Pylori – most common cause of duodenal ulcers
  • CMV in immunocompromised – Mononucleosis
  • Retinitis in CMV – HIV+ Patients
  • Primary CNS Lymphoma – most commonly associated with
  •  Squamous Cell Lung Cancer – produces Parathyroid
    Hormone Related Peptide, which in turn will decrease PTH
  • Campylobacter – can be transmitted from domestic animals
  • Shigella – is transmitted via fecal oral in day care centers
  • Keratin – marker of epithelial cell origin.
  • Secretin – produced by S endocrine cells in the duodenum, that increases bicarbonate secretion from exocrine pancreas into the small bowel.
  • Alprazolam – benzodiazepine with the shortest half life, which is used in Acute Anxiety.
  • Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide and Clonazepam – longest half life, used in prophylaxis.


So these were few Points taken from the file, now we will share you the link where you can Read complete Points, but before sharing you the Link to Download you may also like to Read:

Download Important Points to Remember for MRCP, AMC, USMLE and FCPS: 

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