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MCQs on Acute and Chronic infections of the Jaw – Oral Medicine and Radiology

In this Post you will be able to take quiz containing important MCQs of Oral Medicine and Radiology and topic covered in this Quiz will be Acute and Chronic infections of the Jaw. Correct Answers are Marked in Bold and Blue in color.

# Cotton Wool appearance on a radiograph may be indicative of:
 A. Acute suppurative osteomyelitis
 B. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
 C. Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
 D. Proliferative periostitis

# Lues maligna is a form of:
 A. Severe malignant melanoma
 B. Lyell’s disease
 C. Secondary syphilis
 D. Hansen’s disease

# Fournier’s molars are associated with:
 A. Congenital Syphilis
 B. Fabry Anderson Syndrome
 C. Apert Syndrome
 D. Progeria

# Most patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis develop a positive
 A. type I hypersensitive skin test reaction
 B. type II hypersensitive skin test reaction
 C. type III hypersensitive skin test reaction
 D. type IV hypersensitive skin test reaction

# Isoniazid, an antimycobacterial agent, can be used for a period of six months to 1 year in
 A. active tuberculosis disease
 B. positive tuberculin test with no active disease
 C. close contacts of patients who have tuberculosis
 D. all of the above

# A periapical granuloma may show clusters of lightly basophilic particles in association with plasmacytic infiltrate which are referred to as:
 A. Rushton Bodies
 B. Pyronine bodies
 C. Russel Bodies
 D. Hyaline bodies

# The infections associated with the following teeth generally drain through the lingual/palatal cortical plate:
 A. Maxillary central incisors, mandibular lateral incisors and maxillary first molar
 B. Maxillary lateral incisors, palatal roots of maxillary molars, mandibular second and third molars
 C. Mandibular central incisors, palatal roots of maxillary molars, mandibular canines
 D. Maxillary central incisors, maxillary canines, palatal roots of maxillary molars

# SAPHO syndrome is:
 A. Synovitis, Acromegaly, Psoriasis, Hypohidrosis, Osteitis
 B. Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis, Osteitis
 C. Synovitis, Actinic cheilitis, Palatal cysts, Hairy tongue, Osteitis
 D. Synovitis, Ankyloglossia, Periodontitis, Hairy tongue, Osteitis

# Infectious conditions that exhibit sulfur granules are:
 A. Actinomycosis and Botryomycosis
 B. Actinomycosis and Aspergillosis
 C. Actinomycosis and Mucormycosis
 D. Actinomycosis and Histoplasmosis

# Extra pulmonary tuberculosis is best diagnosed using the following imaging modality:
 A. ultrasonography
 B. computed axial tomography
 C. chest x ray
 D. magnetic resonance imaging

# Higoumenakis’s sign is a feature of:
 A. Trisomy 22
 B. Congenital syphilis
 C. Cretinism
 D. Hypothyroidism

# Lupus vulgaris is:
 A. paraneoplastic pemphigus
 B. familial benign pemphigus
 C. superficial form of pemphigus foliaceus
 D. primary tuberculosis of the skin

# Mantoux test is considered strongly positive when the maximum diameter of induration is:
 A. more than 10mm
 B. more than 2mm
 C. between 5 to 9mm
 D. more than 15mm

# In the identification of mycobacteria on a smear, a positive Z-N staining is reported when a minimum of:
 A. three acid-fast bacilli are seen
 B. eight acid-fast bacilli are seen
 C. ten acid-fast bacilli are seen
 D. fifteen acid-fast bacilli are seen

# A form of acute osteomyelitis that is seen in infants is termed:
 A. maxillitis neonatorum
 B. osteomyelitis neonatorum
 C. neonatal maxillitis
 D. natal osteomyelitis

# The most common route for furcation involvement in the maxillary permanent first molar is:
 A. from palatal side
 B. from buccal side
 C. from mesial side
 D. from distal side

# An “inverted J shadow” radiographic appearance may be representative of:
 A. Superimposition of nasolabial fold over maxillary canine
 B. Ala of the nose over crowns of maxillary lateral and canine
 C. Mesial or distal furcation involvement of maxillary molars
 D. Arch shaped bone destruction in aggressive periodontitis

# Imaging method of choice for evaluating periosteal new bone and sequestra in osteomyelitits is:
 A. Magnetic resonance imaging
 B. Computed Tomography
 C. Technetium bone scan
 D. Gallium citrate scan

# Periapical inflammatory lesions are capable of laying a thin layer of bone within the maxillary antrum. This periosteal reaction may be termed:
 A. inverted dome shadow
 B. halo shadow
 C. moon shadow
 D. dome shadow

# Garre’s osteomyelitis is said to be commonly seen in young people as, in these individuals:
 A. Periosteum is loosely attached to bone surface
 B. Higher serum calcium level in young adults
 C. More prone to trauma and infections
 D. All of the above



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